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This is where you can pay for additional members (if your small group is larger than 12 people).  The cost is $25 for every additional group of 12 - see below for more details, and thanks for playing!!  God bless!


Group of:

1 - 12: purchase room ($25+tax)

13 - 24: purchase room plus 1x of this additional package ($50+tax)

25 - 36: purchase room plus 2x of this additional package ($75+tax)

37 - 48: purchase room plus 3x of this additional package ($100+tax)

49 - 60: purchase room plus 4x of this additional package ($125+tax)

61+ contact us or see parish/school packages (you are now a large group...)

Additional Package for Small Groups Larger than 12

Excluding GST/HST
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